Uzungol Dursun Ali Inan Museum

Uzungol Dursun Ali Inan Museum

Dursun Ali Inan Museum, which is 30 minutes away from the Grand Çaykaram Hotel, is a beautiful museum that you should definitely visit on your route from Trabzon to Uzungöl. This museum, which consists of works carefully collected for 30 years, was opened in September 2019 by Dursun Ali İnan. The structure of the museum consists of 3 parts.

The first part of the Dursun Ali Inan Museum consists of migrations, occupation years, wars and archaeological artifacts in the last 100 years in Çaykara district.

In the second part, the works of childhood, dowry and wedding culture, culinary culture, religious and civil architecture, carpentry, mill culture, wildlife, agriculture and animal husbandry and beekeeping in Uzungöl are exhibited.

Grand Çaykaram Hotel will impress with its river and forest landscape where nature and peace meet!

In the third part of the museum, the roots of the trees and stones found in the region are exhibited, which Dursun Ali İnan worked on for 25 years. The story of the tree roots in this section has emerged from the idea of evaluating tree roots, which emerged after a great avalanche disaster in Uzungöl in 1993, by comparing them to animals and living things living in nature.

These works, all of which were made by Dursun Ali İnan, are exhibited in an area designed in a modern style.